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Hester Rupert Art Museum

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The Rembrandt Group acquired this building, the fifth oldest church in South Africa, in 1965. Dr Anton Rupert undertook to have it restored and converted into an art museum on condition that a sufficient number of South African artists donate an example of their best work.

In 1966, the art museum, with a total of 90 paintings and sculptures donated by 83 artists, was opened by the then State President, Mr C.R. Swart, and given in perpetual trust to the Town Council of Graaff-Reinet.

Most of the current collection is devoted to works produced by artists working in the 1960’s who responded positively to the call to save the building for posterity. This collection should not be regarded as representative of 20th century South African artists, but rather as a small, focused collection which remains highly significant.

The museum is one of three remaining Dutch Reformed Church buildings built on a traditional cruciform plan. It was declared a national monument in 1968.

Date: Booking required

Time: Booking required

Venue address: Church St, Graaff-reinet

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 049 807 5700


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