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Food & Drink
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Green Terrace

Event information

Green Terrace is a female owned hydroponic farm producing sweet peppers under multi-span greenhouse tunnels for leading retailers, food processors, exporters and fresh produce markets across SA.
The strict and high-standard farming techniques ensure quality-guaranteed produce for the consumer market.

Peppers are produced on 1.3 hectares of automated greenhouses that are carefully monitored (temperature, EC and pH) throughout our growing season. The approach to farming is to farm sustainably preserving natural resources, yet adopting some conventional farming practices to ensure that a high standard is maintained.

The method of farming used is through a hydroponic system using growing bags and pine shavings as a growing medium which allows for full control of the crop throughout its growth cycle, and provide sufficient nutrients to the plant through our irrigation system.

Time: Mon-Thu 8am to 5pm | Fri 8am to 3pm

Venue address: 100 Old Heidelberg Road, Mapleton, Boksburg, Johannesburg

Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown

Tel: +27 61 530 6576

Email: [email protected]



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