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Food & Drink
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Fruits & Roots

Event information

With a diverse range of organic and natural foods available, Fruits & Roots is a whole foods market located in Bryanston.

The market promotes sustainable and healthy living by selling more than just healthy whole foods but by providing house cleaning and body care products that are free of harmful chemicals. The store also specialises in foods that cater to a wide range of food intolerances including gluten and lactose intolerance.

In the courtyard, the vegetarian restaurant attached serves a daily buffet and has a juice bar. There is also a resident homeopath that can assist with natural remedies to any health problems.

Venue address: Hobart Corner Shopping Centre, c/o Hobart & Grosvenor Roads, Bryanston, Johannesburg

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 11 463 2928

Email: [email protected]



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