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First Raadsaal Museum

Event information

British resident, Major H.D. Warden, built this typical South African pioneer building in 1849 and it was the first school building north of the Orange River. It served as a church until 1852, was used by the Legislative Council of the Orange River Sovereignty, and from 1854, by the Republic of the Orange Free State as Assembly Hall and offices. When the Assembly moved to larger premises in 1856, the building reverted to its original use as a school until 1877.

Date: Mondays to Saturdays

Time: Weekdays 9am to 4pm | Sat 10am to 3pm

Venue address: 95 St Georges St, Bloemfontein Central, Bloemfontein

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 051 447 9609

Email: [email protected]



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