Event information
Finding Rosetta is a captivating one-person play by Paul Slabolepszy, starring the talented Annie Robinson-Grealy and directed by William le Cordeur.
An unplanned road trip through the KZN Midlands sets the scene for a quirky tale of alien-abduction and self-discovery in a place where past, present and future collide.
uKhahlamba was the first Zulu word Rose Ellison learned as a little girl. Perched upon the lap of her beloved carer and sangoma she listened in awe to the ancient tribal legends of the abelungu, the ‘sky gods’ that came down from the heavens long ago.
The stories of the Drakensberg, the magical, imposing Barrier of Spears have remained etched in her memory as clear as the days she lived in their shadow.
Over fifty years have passed and in a serendipitous twist of fate, a now middle-aged, disillusioned Rose finds herself back in the Midlands of her childhood. Stumbling upon Elizabeth Klarer’s book Beyond the Light Barrier, she is fascinated to discover that she and this controversial ‘Daughter of Rosetta’ once crossed paths. In an attempt to reconnect with the loving, exuberant, creative young woman she once was Rose embarks on a transformative journey which changes her entire outlook on life,