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EpicArts Studio Spring Exhibition

Event information

The epicarts Studio Exhibitions are growing and the 8th Spring Exhibition in the newly renovated location is coming up.

This memorable art exhibition will feature 20 Pretoria based artists showcasing their body of work in a lovely open house style gallery and some brand new upcoming emerging creatives.

All art on display will be for sale directly from the artists making it extremely affordable. There will be a coffee and wine corner to celebrate the changing season.

The exhibition with also have live music from the singing duo Akoestiek and this will happen in a picnic style and attendees have the opportunity to view the exhibition before it opens to the general public

Date: 2 - 6 September

Time: 10am

Price: Free

Venue address: epicARTS Studio, 314 Sandalwood Dr, Newlands, Pretoria

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown





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