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East London Museum

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Established in 1921 and considered by some to be one of the most interesting natural and cultural history museums in South Africa, the East London Museum features a number of fine exhibits. These include a coelacanth specimen: a fish previously believed to have become extinct some 80 million years ago. This was also the workplace of Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, the fish's discoverer back in 1938.

Other collection highlights include the excavation of a large fossil reptile skull and skeleton, Kannemeyria simocephalus, near Tarkastad in 1934; an informative display of maritime history of the area; work on trace human and animal trace fossil footprints found in coastal sandstone rockface, dated at 124 000 years old; and a recent dating of the Hofmeyr skull at 36 000 years.

A maritime gallery includes model ships and shipwreck artifacts, and another section houses an extensive collection of bead work relating to Xhosa-speaking people. There’s also one living exhibit: a working bee hive.

Time: Mon to Fri: 9am to 4pm | Sat: 9am to 1pm

Price: Free

Venue address: 319 Oxford St, Southernwood

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 043 743 0686

Email: [email protected]


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