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Dine & Paint Exclusive

Event information

Lindsey & Lutz is Cape Town's new home for a lavish and creative date with friends. With a paintbrush in one hand and a chilled chardonnay in the other you can let inspiration take hold and treat yourself to quality social time and serenity.

Candlelights, wooden floors, glowing fireplaces; Lindsey and Lutz's cosy home welcomes intimate groups of 4- 9 guests, who will find time to chat, enjoy a special dinner menu with wonderful wines and play with colours and shapes. Lindsey is a gentle and encouraging teacher for artists of all experience levels.

Date: By arrangement

Time: Afternoons & Evenings

Price: R780

Venue address: 25 Meyer Street, Plumstead. Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: No


Tel: +27 61 092 6631

Email: [email protected]





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