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DAKTARI Bush School & Wildlife Orphanage

Event information

Ian and Michele Merrifield officially opened DAKTARI Bush School & Wildlife Orphanage in 2006. Over time, the centre has developed an immersive educational experience for children to learn about the wildlife around them, the environment and poaching. DAKTARI’S work extends into their communities through Eco Clubs.

They offer a program designed to give volunteers the opportunity to teach local children, care for injured or abandoned wildlife, and get fully immersed in the South African bush and culture.

Volunteers spend time helping staff care for the animals around the camp, which can be anything from feeding them with a bottle, to cleaning enclosures, or renovating their homes.

Date: Refer to website

Time: Refer to website

Venue address: Bona Ingwe Farms, Harmony 81, Gravelotte

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 082 656 2969

Email: [email protected]





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