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Adventures with Elephants

Event information

Adventures with Elephants invites visitors into the elephant’s world for a hands-on educational interaction. Guests get to learn from the team’s in-depth knowledge and share in their passion for this special herd of elephants.

Opened in 2010, Adventures with Elephants has educated over 15000 guests a year about the marvels of the African elephant. All of the elephants were considered ‘problem elephants’ and were going to be destroyed. Problem elephants are elephants that over populate and have a negative impact on the environment and other wildlife, or elephants that cause damage to property or to other wildlife. Tembo, the largest elephant, caused R1 million worth of damage to a game reserve in six months - he turned over vehicles, killed rhino and buffalo and broke into buildings. Instead of destroying such animals, they have been re-habilitated for educational hands-on interactions.

Visitors are advised to not use google maps when going to the centre, but to rather consult their direction on the Adventures with Elephants website.

Date: Refer to website

Time: Refer to website

Venue address: Adventures with Elephants, D1000, Limpopo

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: 014 734 7730

Email: [email protected]




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