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Adventure Zone Pretoria

Event information

Adventure Zone is the perfect team building activity. Inspired by the fun popular TV series The Amazing Race, it allows teams to work together to reach the goal of winning the race.

Teams have the opportunity to compete against each other with activities like archery, fire making, whip cracking, tying knots, candle making, drumming, air rifle shooting and many more. Not only do teams have to compete but they also have to outsmart each other with riddles, puzzles and navigation from one point to the other.

The amazing race for team building has been created to include every single person in the group, no one can advance until the entire team has reached a certain point or level.

The Voortrekker Monument premises is the perfect venue, as it also offers views and scenery while engaging in activities. Adventure activity combos cater from 10 – 100 guests and tailored packages and activities are available upon request.

Trained personnel are always available to guide through the different options available and assist in choosing the best activities for a team.

Time: Wed-Sat 8am-5pm | Sun 8am-3pm

Price: Price ranges according to packages

Venue address: Eeufees Rd, Groenkloof 358-Jr, Pretoria

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 12 734 0507

Email: [email protected]





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