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Abseil Africa

Event information

Abseil Africa offers a variety of adventure activities, one of their most popular being the Table Mountain Abseil Experience, which is the world’s highest commercial abseil down a sheer cliff above Camps Bay.

The experience, taking between 45 minutes and an hour, happens over a 112m controlled descent, starting from near the top of the cable car station. Abseilers start by harnessing up, the abseiling down the mountain and then walking back up to the top.

Abseil Africa also offers abseiling in the Kamikazi canyon alongside hiking tours on table mountain as well as a variety of other activities such as scootours snorkelling and paragliding.

Bookings with Abseil Africa are to be made with contact either over email or phone. Any queries or booking over text are to be made after 4pm.

Date: Booking required

Time: Booking required

Venue address: Top of Table Mountain National Park, Cape Town

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Wheelchair accessibility: Unknown


Tel: +27 72 065 1520

Email: [email protected]





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