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Delaire Graff Estate Spa

Your hidden spa paradise
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Delheim Vegan Wines

Internationally acclaimed vegan wines.
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Hidden Valley

A gem waiting for your visit
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Villiera Wines

Wine, Nougat and Game Drives
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Blaauwklippen Tasting House

Wine tasting, pairing, and art
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Award-winning wines in a picturesque and inviting setting.
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Stunning vineyards renowned for its exceptional Pinotage wines
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Simonsig Cap Classique Affair

November 2025, TBC | The annual celebration at the birthplace of Cap Classique.
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Delheim Harvest Festival

25 & 26 January 2025 | An annual harvest tradition.
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Harvest Celebration at Quoin Rock

Monthly in Feb, Mar and Apr | A harvest celebration with fire, wine, and breathtaking views.
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