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Activities & Experiences
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Live Events

Barleycorn Music Club

Every Monday | A social platform for local and original music
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Open Book Festival

5 to 7 Sep 2025 | Cape Town's biggest annual literary festival returns
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Reverie Social Table

A space where guests switch off from the world and indulge
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First Thursdays Cape Town

A celebration of art, culture, and creativity that enchants both locals and tourists alike.
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Sun-kissed Salsa

Public Afro-Latin dance events overlooking the Sea Point prom
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First Thursdays at Keyes Art Mile

Every first Thursday | An experience of art, music and all things creativity
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First Thursdays JHB

Discover the best things to see and places to go on First Thursdays.
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Cape Town Craft Club

1st & 2nd Wed of every month | A social circle for creative people, from seasoned makers to first...
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POPArt Live Improv Nights

Talented performers bring stories to life on the spot.
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Cape Town Indie Hackers – Meetup

Third Thursday of every month | A gathering of makers involved in start-up online businesses.
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BenVino Spring Wine Festival

September 2025, TBC | A wine tasting event showcasing some of the finest wines in South Africa.
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Quiz Nights – Tiger’s Milk

A weekly Quiz night hosted by various branches of Tiger's Milk
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Quiz Nights – Tiger’s Milk JHB

A weekly Quiz night hosted by various branches of Tiger's Milk
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Pick n Pay Wine and Food Festival

5 & 6 October 2025, TBC | Enjoy the finest South African wines and food.
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Boschendal Friday Night Markets

Every Friday | A memorable market to end off the work week.
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Cape Town Life Drawing

Every second Wed | 2 hour life drawing sessions in Woodstock with Tiffany Onderstall
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International Spirits & Wine Festival

November 2025, TBC | An exquisite journey of taste and elegance.
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Promenade Mondays

Every Monday | One of the longest running social skate events in Cape Town.
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Friends Who Volley

October to March | Social sunset volleyball with friends old and new.
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